What to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival?

When the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives on September 15th tomorrow, how do you go through? Enjoying the moon, eating osmanthus cakes, drinking osmanthus wine, watching tides, guessing riddles, etc. Are so many traditional customs still afraid of not having fun? In addition, how can the Mid-Autumn Festival eat less food? As the tip of China, almost every festival is linked to the customs, of course, the Mid-Autumn Festival is no exception. Don't say you only know moon cakes. This is too monotonous. So what should we eat for the Mid-Autumn Festival?

1, what to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival: Guangdong eat cakes

There are quite a few varieties of Chaoshan mid-autumn food, which can be divided into three major categories: cakes, moon cakes from around Chaoshan, sweet, salty, simmering, mischievous, and plentiful. There are noodles, soft cakes, and cloud cakes that are all served on the Mid-Autumn Festival. They are great gifts for the influx of people. It can be said that the influx of people to send moon cakes is a custom of the pro-gama; the second is the Mid-Autumn Festival of the tidal season, and the sky is bright and positive. When the fruit is ripe, grapefruit, persimmon, carambola, pineapple, pomegranate, olives, bananas, etc. are other foods of the influx of people in the Mid-Autumn Festival; the third is the agricultural production of bread and pumpkin, and the influx of people use it to make mash, sap paste. Influx of people like it. Steamed bread, rice dumplings, etc. are also influential mid-autumn must eat.


2, what to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival: Jiangsu sugar osmanthus

Nanjing people love to eat moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival, they must eat Jinling famous osmanthus duck. "Osmanthus osmanthus duck" should be in the city when Guizi fragrance, fat but not greasy, delicious and delicious. After drinking, you must eat osmanthus duck, a small sugar crumb, poured with cinnamon, the United States is not to say. Guishui, also known as sugar osmanthus, was picked before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival and was preserved with sugar and plum. Jiangnan women's skillfulness, the poetry of the stolen goods into table dishes. Nanjing people enjoy viewing the moon as the "King Tuan Yuan". The group sits on a poly drink and calls it "the full moon". The tourist market says "walking the moon." In the area of ​​Dongtai, Jiangsu, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the glutinous rice is cut into crumbs, wrapped in minced meat, covered with wheat crumbs, and cooked in a pan. The glutinous rice cake, commonly known as “Lotus”, symbolizes harmony.

3, what to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival: Zhejiang eat leeks and squid

The reason why Hangzhou's squid and squid soup became dishes on the Mid-Autumn dinner was not only because of the good taste of squid and squid in this season, but also because of the historical fact that the dynasty of the Jin dynasty, Zhang Han, returned home from the hometown of “Lei, squid”. This story not only became an age-old talk, but also made leeks a symbol of homesickness. Leek is a Mid-Autumn dinner and August seasonal cuisine. Amaranth, also known as horseshoe grass, water vegetables, is an aquatic perennial plant. The roots, stems and leaves of leeks are not only fresh green, fresh and delicious, but also rich in nutrition.

4, what to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival: Sichuan to eat cake, honey cake, duck

In addition to eating moon cakes, the Sichuanese people also had to fight crickets, eat sesame cakes and honey cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Sichuanese also killed ducks during the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the western Sichuan region, smoked ducks are a must-have item for the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the raw ducks were grown and fat and thin. The master selected the ducklings that were born in the current year. After they slaughtered, they blew off their feathers. After removing the viscera, they went to the tip of the wing and duck feet. After a night of salting and marinating, they were slightly hot in the boiling water until the skin became tight, and the water was wiped out. , Set smoked furnace, smoked with straw until it is brown, baked into the halogen pot cooked, change the knife when the food plate, color red gold, tender meat, smoked strong smoked duck Serve.

5. What to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival: Ducks in Taiwan

Kaohsiung County has a great reputation for rearing ducks. Before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival, it was the beginning and the longest time for the ducks. The Hakkas in the Mino region often slaughtered ducks and ducks on the Mid-Autumn Festival to become the characteristics of the local Mid-Autumn Festival. In addition to eating moon cakes, the Yi Lan Mid-Autumn Festival also eats a kind of food called “caijing”. The cake is made from flour and baked with black sugar. In Tainan, there is the custom of eating mochi on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In addition, in Wuyuan County, Anhui Province, Mid-Autumn Festival will eat fish; Kunming, Yunnan Province, during the Mid-Autumn Festival each household must do "the family big moon cake", and then one by one and eat it; Shandong Taian to eat small steamed buns; Qiang people before the Mid-Autumn Autumn With a bull, he took out his heart and left it to commemorate his ancestors on the evening of Mid-Autumn Festival. Then he ate beef.

6, what to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival: Beijing eat crabs

The traditional mooncakes of old Beijing are red, white and moon cakes. Moon cake moon cake refers to a production method of moon cake leather, said that the popular point "pulp" is a syrup, in addition to a certain proportion of large oil in the leather, in order to play the role of crisp. When a Muslim buys, he replaces the big oil with butter. This kind of moon cake is characterized by crisp and stuffed incense. "Old Beijing" loves to eat during the Mid-Autumn Festival. In terms of dishes, high crabs are fattening in the autumn of August, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is the season for tasting crabs. Beijing especially pays attention to tasting crabs.

7, what to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival: Shanxi to eat crescent moon cake

Crescent mooncakes in Shanxi Sanjin. Shanxi moon cakes mostly have oil and noodles, stuffed with red dates, walnuts, beans, persimmons, preserved fruits, brown sugar and other types. Among them, Fanju County has a special spherical moon cake, which is a unique creation of local farmers. When ordinary farmers beat moon cakes, they also made some rabbit-shaped moon cakes specifically for the children, hoping that they will be able to “break the cake” and enter their careers.

8, what to eat on the Mid-Autumn Festival: Shaanxi to eat reunion food

In the Xi'an area of ​​Shaanxi Province, each time the Mid-Autumn Festival is held, each local family will be married and the whole family will eat a total of one meal, which is called “Reunion”. There are two layers, the top and the bottom, with sesame in the middle. In the upper layer, a large bowl is used to expand a circle, which symbolizes the Mid-Autumn Night. A "stone" is engraved in the circle and a "little monkey" eating a peach is standing on it. After being baked in the pot, the quail is cut into cuspids, and the whole family has one tooth. When the family is out for a short period of time, a tooth is left. The married girl, her parents, sent her home to show her family reunion.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, regardless of rich or poor, Shaanxi people must eat watermelon and watermelon must be cut into a lotus shape. It serves as a good herb for summer heat, cold in nature, rich in sugar, and capable of clearing away heat and purging fire. It has wide mid-lower air, diuretic, and blood stasis. The effect of hangover poison. At the time of the Mid-Autumn Festival, while watching the moon, while enjoying the summer heat of the watermelon, cool and pleasant, even more family reunion. Moreover, eat a piece of watermelon while eating moon cake, heat solution tired. Over time, eating watermelon has become a habit for Shaanxi people to go through the Mid-Autumn Festival, so today's Shaanxi people will eat watermelon during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The watermelon cut into a lotus shape, just to coincide with the festive atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival, to increase the festive auspicious.

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