Eucommia cultivation and management

First, sowing seedlings Eucommia sowing seedlings generally spring and autumn can be. The sowing nursery should be chosen from sandy loam with flat terrain, fertile soil, good drainage, and slightly acidic to neutral. Before sowing, the nursery will be ploughed and frozen, and a seedbed 1 meter wide and 15 to 25 centimeters high. At the same time, with the combination of ploughing, 1.5 tons of organic cake fertilizer and 30 tons of manure were produced per hectare. In order to reduce the underground pests, soil sterilizing should also be carried out with appropriate amounts of ferrous sulfate, lime, and formalin. In order to ensure the purity and quality of seeds and increase the germination rate, seeds should be carefully selected before sowing, and the seeds should be germinated. Sand, water and chemical treatments are commonly used. Sand method: The seed and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:3 and placed in an outdoor pit or in a cool indoor place. The humidity of the sand is not subject to water flow. The thickness of the seed is generally within 40 cm. Water immersion method: Soak the seeds with warm water of about 30°C for 2 to 3 days. Change the water twice a day. After the seeds are swollen and dried, they can be sown. Chemical treatment: Soak the seed in clean water for 3 days, change the water once a day, then soak it in a concentration of 20010-6 naphthalene acetic acid for 6 hours, wash it out with water, and dry it before planting. . Eucommia seeding often adopts the method of seeding sowing. The depth of the ditch is 3 cm, the spacing is 20-25 cm, 20-30 seeds per metre, and 100-150 kg per hectare. Cover 1 to 2 cm of fine soil after sowing and cover with water and cover the grass. After the seeds have sprouted, uncover the grass on a cloudy day or evening. Seedlings must be weeded in time during growth. When the seedling grows 2 to 4 true leaves, it is necessary to carry out the seedlings and carry out the top dressing for the first time. Apply 15 to 20 kg of urea per hectare. After that, combine weeding and topdressing once a month, and gradually increase the amount of fertilizer applied. The last topdressing should be carried out before the beginning of autumn, mainly based on potash fertilizer. When the seedlings form 5 to 6 true leaves, the thinning and thinning are combined with the seedlings, the distance between the plants is maintained at about 10 cm, and 30 to 450,000 plants are preserved per hectare. In addition to sowing seedlings, production can also use cutting seedlings and sub-plant nursery. 2. Afforestation 1. Afforestation sites Selection of Eucommia afforestation sites should be based on gentle slopes, sunny foothills, mid-lower parts of mountain slopes, and deep, loose, fertile, moist and well-drained slightly acidic or neutral soils. Limestone mountains can also be used for afforestation of Eucommia ulmoides with thick soil layers and a high degree of leaching. In front of the house and in front of the field, if there is sufficient sunlight, soil, water, and fertilizer are in good conditions, which is also a suitable place for the growth of Eucommia. In the plains of the Jianghuai hills, the yellow-brown soil and the yellow-brown soil of the sticky-grained plateau, if cultivated with high yields of Eucommia ulmoides, need to work hard on the “change of soil and tree”. 2. Afforestation Density Afforestation densities in the eucommia ulmoides are mainly determined based on the operating mode (business purpose) and site conditions. In the arbor operation mode, the spacing of the trees is 22 meters or 23 meters, and 2500 to 1660 trees per hectare; the operation method of the cypress trees is 1.52 meters or 22 meters in spacing, and 3330 to 2500 trees per hectare; the first woodrow operation method is generally used to row spacing. 23 meters or 34 meters, 1660 to 830 per hectare. The production of 22 meters is more common. 3. The Eucommia ulmoides is a deep-rooted tree species. The main root is obvious, and the depth is more than 1 meter. Therefore, acupuncture points should be implemented in the afforestation of Eucommia ulmoides. For afforestation on gentle slopes and in peace, we must strive to achieve a full-scale land preparation or strip preparation. For afforestation sites with a slope of more than 15, strip preparation should generally be carried out except where the land can be fully planted. For sloping above 25 degrees, all sampans are prohibited and banding or burrowing shall be performed. Banded land preparation must be carried out along the contour line, with 2 to 3 meters of original vegetation preserved between belts. The burrow site preparation requires specifications 606060 cm. When digging a hole, the topsoil and the soil and soil should be separated by an open hole. 4. Planting Before planting, trim the roots and dip the mud. When planting, mix topsoil and basal fertilizer and then put it into the bottom of the burrow, then put it into seedlings, bury the seedlings, raise the seedlings and allow the roots to stretch and then fill in the burrows full, practical, and cover the heart and soil. The planting depth is slightly deeper than the original soil mark of the seedlings, and do not plant deep. Third, tending management 1. Weeding, weeding, and weeding are carried out twice a year. The first time is from April to May, and the second time is from July to August. The soil is heavy and the woodland is consolidated. From the second year after planting, it must be Make deeper turns and do it every other year. At the same time, Du Zhonglin promoted intercropping of leguminous crops or green manure to increase soil fertility and improve soil physical and chemical properties. 2. The top dressing is combined with cultivating and weeding. Top dressing is done twice a year. Top dressings were prepared by mixing organic cakes with urea, 0.3-0.5 kilograms per plant and circular or semicircular furrows along the canopy projection. 3. Prune trimming Du Zhong Qiao Lin's operations mainly obtained dry skin and seeds. Generally after the three years of colonization, the land is cut to dryness, and a strong and healthy one is selected. The growth can reach more than 2 meters in the year. After the winter, the competitive shoots are cut off for 3 consecutive years and can be cultivated into straight trunks of 4 to 5 meters. The mode of operation of the dwarf forest mainly obtains leaves and branches. It can be intercepted 50 centimeters from the ground in the third winter after planting, and deeply plowed the forest land, applied base fertilizer and promoted germination. In the future, branches are cut once every 3 years. The headwood forest operation method obtains both bark and leaves. In the third year after planting, it was cut 2 meters away from the ground, leaving 5 to 6 shoots as the main branch evenly in the vicinity of the cross section. After 10 years, the main branch skin can be used for stripping and a main branch can be taken and removed one year later. Breed a replacement main branch. Every five to six years is a round of stripping. After three rounds of stripping, the trunk is cut off and the shoots are used to regenerate. 4. Disease and Insect Pest Control Eucommia ulmoides is susceptible to bacterial wilt in the seedling stage. Within one month after the seedlings are excavated, a 0.5% lime equivalent Bordeaux mixture is sprayed every 10 days. After one month, a 1.0% lime equivalent Bordeaux mixture is used. Spray once in 15 days, 2 or 3 times. Tigers, earthworms and other pests can be killed by bait. For woodlands with high groundwater levels or poor drainage, Eucommia ulmoides is prone to root rot and the whole plant is dead. Drainage must be enhanced. At the same time, the diseased trees are dug up and the trees are sterilized with 5% formalin.

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