Coral chrysanthemum cabbage processing technology

Coral chrysanthemum cabbage

Ingredients: cabbage, red fruit

Practice: 1, cabbage to the root of the top, choose a good tender layer, cut into a rectangular phoenix knife, cut into thin slices and put it in the water for 30 minutes.

2, hawthorn to seed, go to the pedicles and put the water in the pot until the paste, remove the debris into the crystal sugar into the melt into the cooler.

3, cabbage, remove and drain the water and put it in the plate and serve it.

Alkaloide From S.Flavscens

Sophora Flavescens,Natural Alkaloide From S.Flavscens,Alkaloide From S.Flavscens,Alkaloide From S.Flavscens

Shaanxi The River Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,

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