The therapeutic value of geoduck

The geoduck, also known as the emperor and goddess, is a high-end seafood that is popular in the Far East, including Chinese and Japanese. It is a large shellfish of the genus. Geoduck, also known as sea shoots, belongs to mollusks. It is a kind of marine shellfish. Individuals vary in size and habitat. Their habitats vary from species to origin in the North Pacific Ocean in the United States and Canada. Because of its large, fleshy red tubes, people are known as "Geropu". Nutritional value: 1. Enriched with protein, maintains potassium-sodium balance; eliminates edema. Improve immunity. Lowering blood pressure, buffering anemia, is conducive to growth and development. 2. Other effects: Lung deficiency, cough, kidney deficiency, asthma, cough, urine, and cough. Kidney impotence. The quality of Run is not dry, kidney and yang can nourish the essence of nourishing blood, there is the merits of consolidating Yuanyuan. people suitble: Patients with weight loss, low immunity, decreased memory, anemia, edema, and other symptoms, children with stagnant growth. Suitable for patients with iron deficiency anemia. Pregnant women, children and lactating women should pay attention to iron supplementation. Chinese medicine diet: 1. Improve immunity: Protein: It is the most important nutrient for maintaining immune function, and it is the main component of leukocyte and antibody. 2. Strong and strong waist: promote sexual function, spermatogenesis and education. Strong lean, improve semen quality, enhance sperm vitality. Applicable to the treatment of impotence caused by kidney yang deficiency, low back pain, frequent urination and lack of gas to fill the five internal organs. Apply to male sexual dysfunction, nocturnal emission, impotence. 3. Diuresis swelling: can remove toxins and excess water in the body, promote blood and water metabolism, diuresis, eliminate edema. Containing diuretic ingredients, it can eliminate water sodium retention and diuresis swelling. It can treat systemic edema, urination, etc. 4. Kidney deficiency: symptoms are "cold", backache, chills, chills, edema of kidney yang deficiency. 5. Rouge depressurization: make blood pressure easier to control, and the capillary expansion, reduced blood viscosity, improved microcirculation. It softens and protects blood vessels, reducing blood lipids and cholesterol in the body.

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