What should you pay attention to?

The cold is the last solar term in the 24th solar terms. Every January 20th when the sun reaches 300° Huangjing is the “big cold”. Because the "cold pole is extremely cold, it is called the big cold", so the big cold is the extreme meaning of the cold weather, it is the degree of cold weather. The slang phrase “Big cold, big cold, and huddled” indicates the frigid cold weather. After the big cold, it also ushered in a new year's solar cycle. The chilling solar season often coincides with the time of the end of the year, and it is connected with the beginning of spring. At this time, it is necessary to replenish the warm food so as to resist cold and maintain yang. But what should the chiller pay attention to? Rickets health care to drink nourishing porridge In the ancient times, there were “big chills, cold winds, cold winds, early drinking ginseng, yellow wolfberry wine, and evening servings of chrysanthemum and yellow pills”. So what do we need to pay attention to in the cold today? Winter porridge is good for the body, not only To health care, but also illnesses and health, such as kidney deficiency strain, back pain, foot and knee weakness, thin and cold Deficiency disease crowd, you can drink mutton radish porridge, when the mutton will be cooked, remove the radish do not, and then Then put the rice into the mutton pan and take it warm in the morning and evening, which can help Yuanyang, make up the essence and benefit the guilty of exhaustion. However, people with toothache, sore throat, constipation, and urine pain are unfit for human consumption. Cold chills, impotence, nocturnal emission, chronic diarrhea, urinary frequency, women with leucorrhea, menstrual pain, and other kidney yang deficiency can drink leek porridge and cinnamon brown sugar porridge, can be warming kidney yang, Gujing only left, only cold pain, health Spleen warm stomach, Qi Qi blood. It should be noted that leeks need to be boiled, boiled and eaten now, overnight porridge do not eat, yin deficiency heat, suffering from eye diseases are unfit for human consumption; cinnamon brown sugar porridge is Daxin hot porridge, yin and Huo Yang and Yang syndrome bleeding Disabled, pregnant women hanged. Heart and spleen, loss of sleep, dizziness, insomnia, anemia, forgetfulness, palpitation, shortness of breath, nervous breakdown embolism can drink longan glutinous rice brown sugar porridge, morning fasting and take each time before going to bed once, can nourish qi and blood, appetizers and spleen, nourishing the nerves , tonic treatment loss, but dampness in the full and exogenous high fever are unfit for human consumption. Weak cold try these soups This year's big cold is in the middle of the 39s and 49s. It is the lowest temperature period. The glutinous rice is sweet, warm, and has the effect of keeping warm and nourishing. People can cook glutinous rice, or use glutinous rice, rice, red bean, glutinous rice, lotus seeds, wolfberry fruit, longan meat, jujube, etc. White sugar can boost spleen Qi and nourish blood and soothe the nerves. It is suitable for people with frailty, fatigue, fatigue and other qi and blood deficiency. You can also use broiler chicken, astragalus, gardenia, atractylodes, and spices to cook soup together. Qi, yin and yang to enhance the body's resistance to disease, apply to frail, susceptible to cold and cold people. Due to the low temperature and many patients with colds, one can use one egg and add soup with coriander, scallion, and ginger to make a soup. A little sesame oil can be added before panning, which has the effect of dispelling wind, dispelling cold, and sweating. For mild colds. The cold supplements should pay attention to eat warm food to resist cold “Chinese medicine believes that the coldest season is the time of the greatest evil, and people should pay special attention to eating more warm food from their daily diet as a way to resist cold and maintain yang.” Prof Nguyen said that common hot foods have Eel, pepper, cinnamon, pepper, etc.; warm foods are barley, sorghum, beans, leeks, asparagus, ginger, onion, garlic, jujube, longan, litchi, papaya, cherries, almonds, lamb, dog, chicken, Eel, sea cucumber and so on. Chinese medicine believes that temperance is an effective way to maintain yang, and excessive emotional stimulation not only damages yang but also hurts God. Fear of kidney injury, fear is infuriating, "scarned by irritability" is what this means. Control of libido is also one of the indispensable rules for Yang Yang. Sex life is the normal physiological requirement of the human body. However, if it is excessive, it not only hurts kidney yang, but also injure kidney essence. Therefore, we must pay attention to what the big cold to pay attention to, we also hope that everyone remember, do not pay attention because of tonic, but hurt.

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