Winter Chicken Seven Inspections

The cold winter weather creates many unfavorable factors for raising chickens. Therefore, problems should be discovered and dealt with in a timely manner by strengthening the inspection of chicken houses. In the chicken farm, the husbandry and management personnel should regularly visit the chicken house and conduct inspections not less than twice a day to understand the dynamic information of the flock. Winter chickens should focus on the following seven aspects:

First, check the harmful gases The gases most harmful to chickens are ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which can stimulate the sense organs of chickens, induce respiratory diseases, and reduce feed utilization. When smelling ammonia when entering a chicken house, ammonia gas in the house has been exceeded. Hydrogen sulphide has a significant proportion, and the higher the concentration is, the closer to the ground. When the following conditions occur in the house, it can be determined that there is indeed an excess of hydrogen sulfide in the air: First, the surface of the copper fixture becomes dark. The second is a white precipitate on the surface of the galvanized iron. The third is the fading of black art pigments. In addition, broilers insulated with coal stoves should beware of carbon monoxide poisoning by personnel and chickens. When the above three kinds of harmful gases are excessive, corresponding measures shall be taken immediately, such as increasing the ventilation volume and replacing the litter, etc., so as to reduce and eliminate the harm to chickens.

Second, check the temperature Check the thermometer temperature and the actual required temperature is consistent, if the temperature difference is too large, we must immediately take measures to control the temperature within the required range and try to remain relatively stable.

Third, check the ventilation, especially in the cold winter when the temperature is too low, people often only pay attention to keep warm and ignore the ventilation. When it is well ventilated, the chicken is lively and there is no odor in the house, especially if the temperature and ventilation are appropriate, there will be a pleasant feeling. If the chicken is found to be snoring and breathing slightly, the house is full of dust and smells, indicating that the air in the house is extremely dirty and ventilation should be strengthened immediately.

Fourth, check the feces to see if the color of the feces is bloody. In general, the feces of laying hens are soft and the feces of broilers are strips. Some diseases can cause diarrhoea in chickens. For example, chickens are yellowish-white when they suffer from Ganpo disease (infectious bursal disease) and infectious bronchitis; chickens have green, yellowish-white watery stools during Newcastle disease. Blood in the house shows that the chicken has been infected with coccidia. When abnormal feces are found, chickens that excrete should be found for diagnosis and treatment, and necropsy should be given if necessary.

Fifth, check the humidity of higher humidity is conducive to the survival and reproduction of microorganisms, if accompanied by a low temperature will increase the harm of low temperature. When the humidity is low, the house is dry and it is easy to induce respiratory diseases in chickens. Especially when the chicks are in a dry environment for a long time, they can cause dehydration and weakness. Therefore, we must pay attention to the adjustment of the humidity of the shed.

Sixth, check the light winter natural light for a short time, can not meet the physiological needs of chicken egg production, need artificial light to add.

Seven, check the chicken drinking water and feed material layer of the material consumption is relatively stable, such as the emergence of a large decline in chicken consumption or drinking water does not eat, it indicates that the chicken has been infected with certain diseases, to identify the reasons as soon as possible, timely treatment.

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