Sweet potato root expansion management measures

The application of cracking sweet potato root tubers usually begins in late August. Since the roots expand, cracks occur between the rows. At this time, crack fertilizers must be applied to prevent premature failure of stems and leaves and to accelerate the expansion of tubers. The main application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, generally in late August with 3% to 5% of potassium sulfate or 15% to 20% of the ash leaching liquid, can also be used 1% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer, 100 ~ per acre of fertilizer 150 kilograms; or per acre topdressing ammonium sulfate 4 to 5 kilograms, watered 500 kilograms; can also be used for human excrement 200 to 250 kilograms, watered 600 to 750 kilograms, Shun Ridge grouting applied. You can also apply 150-200 kg of gray water per acre. 2% nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mixture can be applied to lands with premature aging and premature aging.

It is forbidden to turn over the vines to damage the stems and leaves, affect photosynthesis, reduce the accumulation of nutrients, and affect the weight gain of the tubers, generally reducing production by 20% to 25%, and increasing the amount by more than 30%. Therefore, sweet potato should not turn over during the whole growth period. For the sweet potato field with prosperous growth, it is advisable to use vine tip or light vine to control the growth and inhibit the formation of fiber roots so as to avoid the consumption of fiber roots for nutrients, increase the photosynthetic capacity of the leaves, and promote the expansion of tubers.

Drought-proof drainage encounters dry weather in the late growth stage of sweet potato, and water is used in the gutters in areas with conditions to adjust fertilizers with water, promote the growth of stems and leaves, enlarge the photosynthetic area, increase photosynthetic products, and facilitate the expansion of tubers. However, water should not be watered within 20 days before harvest so as not to reduce the storage resistance of sweet potato tubers. If you encounter the fall, you should clear the drain in time to prevent the chips from being stained.

During the late stage of growth of the sweet potato, the fertilizer absorption capacity of the roots was weakened, and foliar spray fertilizer was used to ensure nutrients needed for tuber root swelling. In general, hilly slopes or fields with premature decay should be sprayed with 0.5% urea; leafy vines with prosperous fields should be sprayed with 0.2% potassium sulfate or 5% ash leaching; general fields can be sprayed. 0.4% ~ 0.5% of urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture. Each spray fertilizer 75 to 100 kg per acre. Spraying time generally starts from mid-August, spraying once every 7~10 days, and spraying 2~3 times. Spraying time should be controlled before the evening of the sunny day. Rain should be sprayed after spraying.

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