Diagnosis and treatment of pigeons with "two pests"

1, an insect

An insect, that is, pigeon feathers. Feather mites are small insects that are parasitic in the feathers of pigeons. They do not harm the pigeons when they are infected lightly. In severe cases, they affect the ability to fly and the hatching rate. Symptoms such as uneven feathers, falling off, and feathering of newborn pigeons appear.

Prevention and control measures: Do a good job in cleaning the loft and change the grass nest. Dove treatment can be used methicillin to make pigeons for medicinal bath.

2. Second disease

(1) Pigeon enteritis: Pigeon enteritis is usually caused by parasites, molds, bacteria, and enteroviruses. The sick pigeon pulls white, green, brown thin stools like water, often with blood in the feces. Meat pigeons are weak and thirsty. Control methods are: 1 oral administration of peanut oil or soybean oil 3-5 ml bowel, and fed digestible food. 2 Drink neomycin or ciprofloxacin. 3 oral sulfonamides half tablet (0.25 grams), 2 times a day, and even served 2-3 days. 4 honeysuckle Jianshui and place it in appropriate amount of brown sugar, 2 times a day, 5 ml each time. 5 The bloody pigeons in the excrement were orally administered with 1 g of Jianshui per agrimony.

(2) Hepatopathy of meat pigeons: The hepatopathies of meat pigeons are commonly referred to as meat pigeons. It is mainly due to contamination of drinking water and deterioration of feed. The sick pigeon showed poor appetite, listlessness, excretion, loose stools, and rapid body weight loss. When the disease condition was severe, the abdomen had enlarged liver and shortness of breath. Prevention methods: 1 pay attention to the clean drinking water and feed fresh, especially in the summer, feed is best to feed now. 2 For diseased meat pigeons, use ciprofloxacin or enrofloxacin and multidimensional drinking water for 3-5 days. Oral bovine anti-inflammatory tablets 1-2 tablets, 2 times a day, once every 2-3 days.

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