Spleen therapeutic side

Sleep drooling? You may be spleen. The spleen has the effect of transporting nutrients and water, and the spleen is dysfunctional, which can lead to drooling. What does the spleen eat, and what foods have spleen function? Xiao Bian explains to you in detail the problem of spleen deficiency and introduces 3 recipes for you to help you spleen and dampness, and no longer drool when you sleep.

What is spleen deficiency

The term of traditional Chinese medicine refers to the pathological phenomenon of weak temperament. Mostly caused by eating disorders, work loss, or chronic illness deficiency. The spleen has the effects of transporting nutrients, transporting fluids, and taking blood. The spleen deficiency is abnormal and may present with nutritional disorders, edema, or blood loss.

Spleen diet reference

1 rice porridge

50 grams of glutinous rice, 10 grams of grapes, with appropriate amount of water boiled glutinous rice to nine mature, add raisins, and stew together until the pulp can be.

2 sweet potatoes

Commonly known as sweet potatoes, hawthorn, sweet potatoes. The nature is flat, sweet, there is the role of spleen and blood, Qi and purge. "According to interest rates in the diet spectrum," said: "Cooking to make up the spleen and stomach, Qi strength, Yu Fenghan, benefit color." "Compendium of Supplements," that sweet potato can "make up, warm stomach, fat five internal organs." People with spleen deficiency can use sweet potato as staple food and eat it regularly.

3 jujube

Sexual warmth, taste, and make up the spleen and stomach, benefit qi and blood. As early as two years ago in the "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic," there is a record of "Jian Zao An Jia Yang Spleen." Li Shizhen said that "Ziguo is the fruit of the spleen and the spleen is suitable for eating." For those who have spleen deficiency, loose stools, weak stomach, low food, and lack of blood and blood, it is advisable to take jujube regularly.

Spleen can also be used yam, Atractylodes, Italian rice, potatoes, white lentils, sweet potatoes, etc., usually long in the depths of the ground can be spleen. Use them to boil porridge, stew meat, and boil it all. If you put in a little lotus leaf, the effect will be better.

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