Seductive honey yuzu tea

Seductive honey yuzu tea "Compendium of Materia Medica," said that grapefruit sweet and sour, cold, with qi and phlegm, lungs and intestines, blood and spleen and other effects, can cure eating less, pale, indigestion embolism, can help digestion, in addition to stop Thirsty, qi and Sanjie. Grapefruit skin smooth, to oil solution tired, is the top grade of clear fire, long-term consumption there is beauty effect.

Honey has the effect of intestines. For people who are often constipated and prone to acne, taking honey citron tea can improve these symptoms very well. Adhere to the honey citron tea for 3 months, you can achieve "change the body" role. Vitamin C has a special effect on the common cold and neuralgia. At the same time grapefruit is rich in hesperidin, its efficacy is similar to vitamin P, to protect and strengthen the capillaries, to prevent cerebral hemorrhage significant effect. The golden yellow skin of grapefruit contains carotene, which is the main source of vitamin A. A grapefruit is rich in 1500 IU of vitamin A in the form of carotene. In addition, the composition of grapefruit acid makes the grapefruit taste slightly acid, which is very helpful for eliminating fatigue and promoting digestion and secretion. Now I usually insist on drinking a cup of honey grapefruit tea every day. First of all, I like the sour taste.

1. First, wash the grapefruit skin, wash it with salt, rinse the grapefruit skin, you can use a toothbrush to brush a salt brush 2. Use a knife to cut the skin of the grapefruit, cut it must be thin, try to only cut the yellow In part, the white part can be chosen according to your own taste.

3. Rub the grapefruit skin with salt to force the bitterness in the grapefruit skin to precipitate. Then rinse with clean water. This step can be repeated two or three times. 4. Soak the grapefruit skin in clean water and add some salt in the water to help remove it. For bitterness, the soaking time needs to be longer and can be soaked for one night. Then peel the grapefruit meat and shred it. The stirrer can use the stirrer to crush it. 5. Put the grapefruit skin in clean water and cook for about 10 minutes. Add some salt when cooking, and go for bitterness. Finally, rinse the pomegranate with clean water. And filter dry.

6. Put the cut grapefruit skin and fruit puree into a clean oil-free pot, add a small bowl of clear water and crystal sugar, simmer for 1-2 hours with small and medium-sized fire, simmer till it is sticky, and the golden peel of the pomelo can be noticed. Stir frequently to avoid sticking. Let cool, add honey, and stir it to make honey yuzu tea. Then put it in a sealed container and put it in the refrigerator. After 3 days, it can be eaten.

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