Semi-Maple Heap Growth Habits

Growth habit

The producing areas are mostly subtropical low mountain to Zhongshan, and wedging to the south. The average annual temperature of the distribution point is above 18°C, the extreme low temperature can reach -5°C, the annual precipitation is 1200-1300mm, and the semi-fungus lotus is born in the soil. Deep, fertile, loose, moist and well-drained acidic soils, such as the Guilin Qianling Mountain is a typical acidic yellow soil, the semi-fungi of Sandu, Libo, Minjiang, Chishui, etc. grows in acid red with a PH value of 5-6. Yellow earth or purple land. Flowering period of 2-3 months, the fruit matures in autumn.

The semi-fungus is a neutral tree species and is more shade-tolerant in the juvenile period; its natural regeneration ability is poor, and its germination ability is also weak. It is found in mountainous evergreen broad-leaved forests 700-1200 m above sea level in Guizhou, and is often associated with the banyan tree (Altingia chinensis). , Castanopsis fargesii, Liquidambarformosana, Myricarubra, Euryaloquiana, Cameula oleifera, Hicriopteris intini, etc., sometimes born in Pinus massoniana, The pine forest (Cunninghamialanceolata) in the open forest.


Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. ,

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