Summer fruit season eat less seasonal fruits

Old people often talk about eating less vegetables in season and eating more vegetables in the season. They should also eat more seasonal fruits to supplement the various nutrients the body needs. In early summer, fruits such as cherries, sorghum, and mulberries have matured. Many fruits contain rich nutrients and should be properly matched. At the same time, when eating fruit, you should also pay more attention to some precautions.

Supplementary Nutrition: Rich in summer fruits

In early summer, fruits such as cherries, wolfberries, cantaloupes and mulberries have matured one after another. Rich and varied fruits make people dazzled because they do not understand the nutritional content of various fruits, and do not know what to eat. The following collection introduces some common ones. Fruit related conditions.


Cherries are "fruit and cooked first," and are rich in carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and a variety of vitamins. In particular, the iron content is as high as 6-8 mg per 100 grams, 20-30 times higher than apples, oranges, and pears. The content of vitamin A is 4-5 times higher than apples, oranges, and grapes. The consumption of cherries promotes the regeneration of hemoglobin and Anti-cancer effect.



Mulberry is also known as Mulberry. As early as more than 2,000 years ago, Mulberry was a supplement to the Chinese emperor. It is rich in active protein, pro-vitamin A, B1, B2, PP and C, amino acids, malic acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid, carotene, minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and other ingredients, known as "The best health fruit in the 21st century." Eat mulberry can improve the human immune system, has the effect of delaying aging, beauty and beauty.

Panzhi branch

Annona sinensis contains a lot of protein, carbohydrates and vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc., and its nutritional value is quite high. Moreover, due to its high calorie content, it can effectively replenish physical strength, and has a variety of functions such as beauty, strong bones, and enhanced immunity. Therefore, it is suitable for both dinner and fruit. However, due to its extremely high sugar content, weight loss and diabetes patients should not eat too much.


The content of sugar, protein, and vitamin C in strawberry pulp is 7-10 times higher than apples and grapes. And its malic acid, citric acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B12 and carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron content is also 3-4 times higher than apples, pears, grapes. Taiwan in China calls strawberries "live vitamin pills," and the Germans hailed them as "miraculous fruit." This is not unreasonable. The nutrients of strawberry are easily digested and absorbed by the body, and it will not be cold or get warm when it is eaten. It is a healthy food for all ages.

At the same time, guava, bananas, lychee and other fruits also contain a variety of nutrients needed by the body, but also can be reasonably used with food.

Matters needing attention: Not suitable to eat unripe fruit to eat fruit to peel

When the plums are about to mature, the pouting child picks up a fresh taste. I did not expect that after eating, it caused discomfort and even caused poisoning. Eating unripe fruits can also cause serious consequences. Many people do not understand the reasons.

Before immature fruits, most of them contain oxalic acid and benzoic acid and other components. After consumption, it is difficult to oxidize and decompose in the human body, and the metabolized products are still acidic, which will destroy the normal weak alkaline environment of the human body and lead to physiological functions. In addition, there are some fruits such as bananas, apricots, etc., which contain toxins when immature and harmful to the human body.

At the same time, eating fruit also needs to develop a peeling habit because pesticides may remain in the skin, and pesticides remaining in the peel are difficult to wash off with water, and bacteria, viruses, and parasite eggs are also found on the peel. If you eat without peeling, over time, there will be vomiting, diarrhea and other unwell, and it will endanger your health.

West China City Reader Zhang Yong

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