Wuyi famous treasures

His life most likes to drink Wuyi Mingyan rock tea and the finest Tieguanyin; especially the former, it can be said that "you can't have this monarchy in a day." If you drink less, the life of that day is like losing something precious. Just as Yuan Mei in the Qing Dynasty wrote in the book "With the Yuan Food List", he said that he enjoyed the high-pitched scented rock tea when he was in Wuyi. He said: "Every cockroach has no one or two, and can’t bear to swallow, first smell its fragrance, try again. Taste, slowly chewed and considerate, it is really fragrant and fragrant, and the tongue has a sweetness.... Although the Longjing is clear and tastes thin, the impotence is good and the rhyme is inferior, quite different from jade and crystal character. It’s true that you’re famous in the world, but you can’t add it three times and it’s not enough.”

The name of the daily drink, the price is only over 1,200 yuan per catty, but it also has a lingering fragrance; the better vintage (such as that produced in 2001) is sweet and fragrant, and the throat is obvious. It is a top grade.

The best of Wuyi's name is the authentic "Dahongpao" produced by the old tree. According to Yunnian, it only weighs two to three pounds, which is roughly subdivided into seventy-two cans. The mainland has auctioned such rare items, and each of them has reached more than RMB 300,000. Because the goods are rare, the price is difficult to be accurate; but the tea-savvy people who know the goods are regarded as the arch, because the Ming Dynasty has been a tribute, the people can not see.

At the end of 2001, Guangzhou had a Wuyi “Tea King” Dahongpao auction, which weighed more than 70,000 yuan. Although it was not from the original old tree, it also showed the appreciation of the famous “tea king”. There is no shortage of people, and I don’t hesitate to pay for it.

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